Two hill stations .... (I for one think that Farmagudi was no less than a hill station) ... 300 kms apart.... a bunch of Engicos... some c*p and well the same ol' days. Being engrossed in our so-called-busy lives gives most of us little chance to meet up. So in the backdrop of Tour de la Kashmir attended by 2 Engicos we decided to do one of our own. The place of choice was Panhala, about 27 kms from Kolhapur. Equidistant between Pune and Goa this was the best spot for the touring parties from Goa and Pune to meet up. While Clyde, Melissa, Hildon and myself made the smooth and picturesque drive down the Golden Quadrilateral ..... Gaurang, Carl, Anant and Parijat took the more bumpier and scenic route thro Ambolim.

For those who haven't been to Panhala....its a must visit during the rains. Breathtaking views splashed with plenty of green and stone, lots of cloud cover and rain and nice cool weather. Its sure was great fun catching up with college mates and also reliving those good old times. We checked in at the not-so-posh yet homely Hotel Hill Top in Panhala. In spite of having 3 rooms ... all the 'killos' in one room like in the hostel where bed space maximization was at its best. That round of 'mhendicot' and some planned 'teen paana' that never happened. That bonding .. that feeling like we were back in college. Just the perfect way to de-stress from our hectic lives. The following day we were all spotted in Kolhapur buying the traditional Kolhapuri chappals. For bargaining strategies please contact one Mr. Gaurang Kamat. It almost got to a point where the shopkeeper was willing to pay Gaurang to buy his merchandise. lol. Lunch and beers at Opal was followed by the long drive back home.
Pari looks like Bhagat Singh in the snap... :)
Guys I can't wait to come back home...
Good dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.
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